Workshop on the establishment of National Coalition on sexual reproductive health

Last weekend Prowid's Program Officer attended a workshop on the establishment of National Coalition on sexual reproductive health and rights and menstrual hygiene management( NACO-MHM)

It is important that, after identifying such cross cutting problems in the lives of women in society, efforts should be made on how to help resolve them and reduce overall negative impact. 

Ideally, this workshop permitted us to pin point what has been done so far in terms of solutions from the state  and from NGOs as a way of analyzing their impact and determining how much more is needed to achieve actuall impact. 

In a casual conversation, PROWID's executive officer expressed some facts about indigenous women, that many may not know. 

1. They are extremely time conscious, sometimes even without a clock to guide them, they are always earlier than on time. 

2. There are actually intellects among them and despite the lack of resources, you can tell they are very intelligent and overall smart. Amongst them, most have commendable leadership abilities 

3. The best of these facts, remains the welcoming aspect. They warmly welcome you and make you feel at home despite the little they have. 

Share with us any other thoughts you have on indigenous women that many may not know. These women have so much potential, the world needs to know about.

Looking forward, it is intended to do more needs assessments and constant sensitization amongst other things.