Training of indigenous women in Sabga on Peace and Security

Training of indigenous women in Sabga on Peace and Security

Increase Mbororo Women's Participation in Peace and Security

In line with the project "Increase Women's Participation in Peace and Security", in collaboration and support from  Search for Common Ground, funded by the Department of States USA,  fifty (50) indigenous women in Sabga, Tubah subdivision of the Northwest Region of Cameroon have been trained on Peace Building, Mediation and Gender Based Violence. As a follow up activiy of the project, media sensitization campaigns on the 1325 Agenda on Women's Peace and Security aimed at improving their participation in peace building processes have been carried out and equally the training of community Peace Builders for an eventual door to door sensitization on Women's peace and security, Gender Based Violence and Peaceful Negotiation and Mediation in the Sabga and Banja communities