International Day for MHM

In commemoration of the 2023 edition of the International Day for Menstrual Hygiene Management celebrated under the theme "Making Menstruation a normal fact of life by 2030", the association for the welfare of women and Indigenous people (ASOWWIP) brought together about 30 adolescent girls and young women  in Bamenda to educate them on menstrual hygiene management and period shame.

The workshop program which included Mbororo and non Mbororo girls as a way of promoting peaceful co-existence and social cohesion had interactive discussions on menstrual hygiene management, proper sanitary pad disposal, those harmful socio-cultural and religious norms and stereotypes that cause  period stigma. During the program, these adolescent girls got to share their experiences with period stigma and shame and proposed education, increase awareness, advocacy and making menstruation a topic of discussion in their homes and amongst their peers as a solution to completely eradicating all negative beliefs associated to menstruation.